A range of phenomena that individuals may experience during their spiritual growth and ascension process. These symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for common physical ailments like the flu or a cold. While not limited to these, some common Ascension Symptoms include:
Fatigue or feeling drained of energy
Frequent headaches or pressure in the head
Heart palpitations or fluttering sensations
A sense of not belonging or feeling detached from the external world
Heightened sensitivity to nature and surroundings
Increased instances of synchronicity or meaningful coincidences
Becoming more introverted and desiring solitude
Ringing or buzzing in the ears
Sleep disturbances or interruptions
Sudden or extreme changes in body temperature
Onset of depression or emotional ups and downs
These symptoms can vary in intensity and duration from person to person. It's important to note that while experiencing Ascension Symptoms can be challenging, they are often seen as signs of spiritual growth and energetic shifts taking place within an individual. It is advisable to seek professional advice if symptoms persist or cause significant distress.