God, as perceived in monotheistic religions, is regarded as the singular and supreme creator, ruler, and overseer of the universe. In this context, God is seen as the ultimate source of all existence and the center of moral guidance and principles. In monotheistic traditions such as Islam, God is referred to as Allah. In Judaism, God is often referred to as Yahweh or Jehovah. In Christianity, God is recognized as the Father. These names reflect different cultural and religious interpretations of the divine and signify reverence for the central figure in monotheistic belief systems.God, in addition to the previously mentioned names in monotheistic religions, has also been referred to as Source, Prime Creator, and infinite intelligence. These alternative names emphasize different aspects of the divine nature, highlighting concepts such as the ultimate origin of all existence, the primary creative force, and the boundless wisdom and knowledge associated with God. These names represent various interpretations and expressions of the divine presence across spiritual and philosophical perspectives.