Psychic Abilities: Practice Exercises for Developing Claircognizance


Claircognizant Exercises


Flip a coin and predict heads or tails. Say the first thing that comes into your mind while the coin is in the air.

Red or black:

Grab a deck of playing cards and randomly shuffle the cards. Pick one up and answer what the card is going to be. This gets trickier the more you get right. Your left brain wants to take over.

Stop that:

Grab a friend. Have the friend think of a word and write the word down. Try to sense the word. Say the first thing that comes to you.

This is getting annoying!

Finish your friend's sentences randomly. The object is to not actively think about what they are going to say. When they get to the end of a sentence, blurt out what comes to you.


Ask your guides to select an object you picked before in one of the previous drills. You don't need to see the object, just say what you first think. Use your clairsentience to verify if your answer was right.

Omg, I am a psychic!

Ask your guides for Claircognizant messages. If you get the message right, feel it with your clairsentience.

Making it all work together:

Sit down in a comfortable chair.

Now go about your morning routine just as you would any day. Only this time you travel in your mind's eye. You can walk down the street or go to the mall. Anything you want to do in your imagination. Feel your feet walking underneath you. Feel the breeze of the wind and the sun in your face. Have a conversation with someone and give them a hug. Once you are able to complete the exercise, try to visit someplace you have never been in your mind.

Remember to trust your intuitive knowledge and embrace the insights that come to you. Practice these exercises regularly to further develop your claircognizance abilities.

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Spiriway Contribution | Image by Tim Marshall

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